Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What if Windows 7 Fails???

What will happen if Windows 7 fails?
Will Windows 7 fail?
Or will it be the next big hit?

Well my friends that is the million dollar question.
What do I think?
I think that Windows 7 is a heck of a lot better than Vista.
I also think that it will not be as good as Xp was and still is.

Why do I think that? Well I think it will be better than Vista because it is a lot less of a memory hog and because of that it is faster and more responsive than Vista.

I don't think it will be as big of a hit as xp because it is still slower than xp and even though the boot times of Windows 7 have improved from Vista they are not nearly as fast as Xp's.

Now what happens if Windows 7 fails?

Well I think if Windows 7 fails Microsoft is going to be in for a major hurting because as much as people hate Vista they just can't afford to have two fails in a row.

Do I think that Windows 7 will fail? Well I think there will be mixed feelings about Windows 7.
But I think Microsoft has done a lot better with Windows 7 and I really like it.
Microsoft has really made some improvements with Windows 7 from better memory usage to better looks etc.

I am using Windows 7 Beta build 7000 as I am writing this and I really like some of the new features such as the show desktop button, the "Snap to Docking" you use this by dragging the windows to the side and it takes up half the screen so this is a useful feature for when you are comparing products and when you drag the window to the top of the screen it maximizes it.

So some people think that Windows 7 is a failure.
A lot of them are Mac users.
Some of them think that Windows 7 is copying Mac in several ways.

Now to end the post I think that if Windows 7 fails Microsoft's sales will start to fall and their 90% of the market share will fall severely and Mac will take over.

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