Monday, July 13, 2009

My Thoughts On Google's New Operating System

OK so just in case you haven't heard Google has announced that they will be releasing a new operating system based on the Linux kernel and it will be named "Chrome".

Google's new operating system shares the same name as their Internet browser so things might get a little confusing when we start hearing more about Chrome.

So how will Google's new operating system affect the computer business?
Well everyone knows who Google is I mean how many people have Google as their homepage?
Well lets put it this way so many people set their homepage to google that we would save energy if google changed their webpage's color to black!

So a lot of people are bound to get Google's new operating system seeing as how Google is so popular. Not to mention it will be cheaper for them!

Google's new operating system will be Open Source which means the code or at least some of it will be made freely available seeing as how most Linux Distros are Open Source this is no big deal.

Now I think since Google is so big that their Operating system (if it succeeds) will change the whole computer business forever.
And I think it will give a little scare to Apple and Microsoft.
So why will it change the computer business forever? Well first it will give Linux a lot of popularity and it will put a big business out there to represent Linux.

Then maybe more people will realize that Linux is safe, fun, and reliable. and maybe programmers will start to code more things "for Linux" instead of "with Linux".
And maybe they will release more games for Linux too.

I really do think that this could change the whole computer industry.
But keep in mind that Google Chrome will not be released for about another year or so and in the computer business a year is a long time. And a lot can happen in a year.
So who knows This all might just fall through but i doubt that it will seeing as how Google is basically calling it an extension of their browser, and so far their browser has been successful.

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