Sunday, December 20, 2009

Upcoming Events

Well guys since Christmas is in a few days I plan on getting a few tech gadgets and I think the one I am gonna get is the 3rd gen iPod touch 32GB version.

Now in case you are wondering why I would get the 32GB version instead of the 8GB or 64GB versions is because the 8GB version does not have the new 50% faster processor in it and it doesn't have the headphones with the microphone and remote. And the reason why I am not getting the 64GB version is because well thats to much space for me and it cost a tad bit to much.
So expect several reviews and unboxings of accessories and cases and stuff for the iTouch!

Another one of the gadgets I am going to get is a Zune HD.
I think this item is pretty cool! It has built in HD radio, an OLED Screen, it is HD capable, and it is just flat out SEXY!

Ok so those are just two of the things I am hoping to get so I will post videos on both of my Youtube accounts and

Thanks for reading and please donate and subscribe to my account!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Youtube Account!

Ok so I am transferring to a new Youtube account called TechMech911.

Why you ask? Well I have been thinking a lot and I am sorry for not posting many videos lately I have been caught up in school. But that is not what I am trying to get at. What I am trying to say is, my old name and the name this blog goes by is kind of restricting. I am trying to make videos about "Everything" tech related instead of just computer related things.

See now do you see what I mean by the name Computerstuff101 is restricting? It says "Computerstuff" which makes people assume all I do is computer related things.
And yes I only used to do computer related things but now I am changing my name to TechMech911!

So now I feel more open to do all tech related things.

So stay tuned because I am saving up for an iPod Touch 32gb which will allow me to do reviews in cases, screen protectors, apps, earphones, speakers, and even show you guys how to make your own apps! So getting this iPod will open doors for a lot of reviews, and previews.

So that is just an update. Thanks for reading and I WILL SEE YOU GUYS LATER!

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Thoughts On Google's New Operating System

OK so just in case you haven't heard Google has announced that they will be releasing a new operating system based on the Linux kernel and it will be named "Chrome".

Google's new operating system shares the same name as their Internet browser so things might get a little confusing when we start hearing more about Chrome.

So how will Google's new operating system affect the computer business?
Well everyone knows who Google is I mean how many people have Google as their homepage?
Well lets put it this way so many people set their homepage to google that we would save energy if google changed their webpage's color to black!

So a lot of people are bound to get Google's new operating system seeing as how Google is so popular. Not to mention it will be cheaper for them!

Google's new operating system will be Open Source which means the code or at least some of it will be made freely available seeing as how most Linux Distros are Open Source this is no big deal.

Now I think since Google is so big that their Operating system (if it succeeds) will change the whole computer business forever.
And I think it will give a little scare to Apple and Microsoft.
So why will it change the computer business forever? Well first it will give Linux a lot of popularity and it will put a big business out there to represent Linux.

Then maybe more people will realize that Linux is safe, fun, and reliable. and maybe programmers will start to code more things "for Linux" instead of "with Linux".
And maybe they will release more games for Linux too.

I really do think that this could change the whole computer industry.
But keep in mind that Google Chrome will not be released for about another year or so and in the computer business a year is a long time. And a lot can happen in a year.
So who knows This all might just fall through but i doubt that it will seeing as how Google is basically calling it an extension of their browser, and so far their browser has been successful.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to run Ubuntu 9.04 from a USB Stick

Ok so why would you want to have Linux on a USB Drive when you already have a Live CD???
Well first of all it has much faster read/write speeds and a MUCH FASTER startup time.
Here are the startup times:
USB=49 seconds
CD/DVD=1 minute 50 seconds
So thats a 1 minute and 1 second difference!!! Don't believe me??? Try it out yourself.
Plus it is always good to have a Linux Distro around to save your buut when you need it!!!
(It has saved mine plenty of times)

Ok so here is what you will need:
The Ubuntu 9.04 live cd. (If you have Vmware you can boot from the .ISO file)
A Usb Drive at least 1gb.
And of course your computer.

Before we get started if you find it any easier to follow a video here is a link to my tutorial:

Ok so to get started startup from the Live CD or .ISO image. To do this you may have to go into your BIOS and select the cd/dvd drive to be the first boot device.

Now choose your language. And choose try Ubuntu without any change to your computer.
Once you are at the desktop at the top of the screen click "system"-"administration"-"create usb startup disk".

Then choose your iso image or your cd. and then choose the USB drive you would like to put Ubuntu on.

Now click "Make Startup Disk" Now wait for it to complete (It shouldn't take more than about 10 minutes).


Also don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube account here:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ubuntu 9.04 Review

Hey guys I'm sure if your an Ubuntu fan you have seen or heard about Ubuntu 9.04, and if not than let me tell you what Ubuntu is and some of the new features in Ubuntu 9.04.

OK so what is Ubuntu? Well Ubuntu is a Linux distro (or distribution) that is guaranteed to always be free (also known as the Ubuntu promise), so why use Ubuntu?
Well Ubuntu is fast, stable, free and is always fun to use.

Ok so why shouldn't you get a different linux distro like Fedora, or OpenSuse?
Well there really isn't that much of a reason and in my opinion you should try them all and find
the one you like best.

Now that doesn't mean that you have to install and then uninstall each release one at a time, because the cool thing about linux is that you can use what is called a "live" CD.
So what is a "live" CD? A live CD is a .ISO file you download and then burn to a cd or dvd using special CD/DVD burning software.
(For more info on burning a .iso file check out my video here:

And once you burn that .ISO file on to a CD/DVD then you can use the operating system without installing it.
This is a very useful feature that has saved my butt various times with my Windows pcs.

Now for some new features in 9.04

Ubuntu includes the latest Gnome desktop environment. (Gnome 2.26)

Ubuntu 9.04 includes brasero version 2.26.0 which is an all-in-one cd burning utility.
(Brasero is now the default disc burning utility in Nautilus).

(Linux kernel 2.6.28)
Ubuntu 9.04 includes the 2.6.28-11.37 kernel.

These are just a few of the new features in Ubuntu 9.04.
Now how about startup speed? Well here are the startup times of Ubuntu 9.04 and Ubuntu 8.10.
(Note: These tests were done in VmWare Workstation 6.)

(Ubuntu 8.10)
Startup: 56 Seconds

(Ubuntu 9.04)
Startup: 48 Seconds

So as you They trimmed off about 8 seconds on the startup time.
(Note: These tests were done in VmWare Workstation 6, so expect faster startup times if you are installing it on just a normal pc.)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Linux Fails With Netbooks.

Now i'm pretty sure all of you have seen and heard about netbooks and if you haven't let me tell you what they are.
Netbooks are like mini laptops but they are limited in what you can do with them, as far as games and cpu intensive applications go, seeing as how Microsoft's Windows Vista is very memory intensive.

But people are seeming to really like them seeing as how they are selling like hotcakes, but that is not really the exact point I am trying to make
I'm sure you guys have heard about Linux, and if you haven't then go read about it, but it is a Mac and Windows alternative and it is a lot less memory intensive, which makes it a lot faster, it is also very secure.

Ok so lets refresh Linux is a lot less memory intensive, it is faster, and it is more secure now if you were smart you would probably be thinking didn't you say that netbooks are limited in what they do because of Vista's memory intensive ways?
Well if you were thinking that then you are a very smart person. Now you would think that Linux would jump in on this whole netbook sensation, but no they didn't and they still aren't.
But why? Why would Linux not take this big opportunity to become a bigger part of the operating system world.

Now granted Linux has become more and more popular over the past few years especially Ubuntu and Yellow Dog Linux, Now before you go out and download Yellow Dog Linux I should let you know it is for "Power PC's" only, but it has been specifically designed for the Playstation 3. Thats right you know Sony's PS3 your kids talk about? Yeah that one, so in a way the PS3 is all you need for your basic needs, it is a game console, a dvd player, a blu-ray player, and now a computer.

I know that Linux is on a few netbooks, but why just a few when they could have dominated the netbook industry?
I think Linux has failed as a community on this next big thing.
That being said I have nothing against Linux at all, I just think that they could have done a lot better on these netbooks.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What if Windows 7 Fails???

What will happen if Windows 7 fails?
Will Windows 7 fail?
Or will it be the next big hit?

Well my friends that is the million dollar question.
What do I think?
I think that Windows 7 is a heck of a lot better than Vista.
I also think that it will not be as good as Xp was and still is.

Why do I think that? Well I think it will be better than Vista because it is a lot less of a memory hog and because of that it is faster and more responsive than Vista.

I don't think it will be as big of a hit as xp because it is still slower than xp and even though the boot times of Windows 7 have improved from Vista they are not nearly as fast as Xp's.

Now what happens if Windows 7 fails?

Well I think if Windows 7 fails Microsoft is going to be in for a major hurting because as much as people hate Vista they just can't afford to have two fails in a row.

Do I think that Windows 7 will fail? Well I think there will be mixed feelings about Windows 7.
But I think Microsoft has done a lot better with Windows 7 and I really like it.
Microsoft has really made some improvements with Windows 7 from better memory usage to better looks etc.

I am using Windows 7 Beta build 7000 as I am writing this and I really like some of the new features such as the show desktop button, the "Snap to Docking" you use this by dragging the windows to the side and it takes up half the screen so this is a useful feature for when you are comparing products and when you drag the window to the top of the screen it maximizes it.

So some people think that Windows 7 is a failure.
A lot of them are Mac users.
Some of them think that Windows 7 is copying Mac in several ways.

Now to end the post I think that if Windows 7 fails Microsoft's sales will start to fall and their 90% of the market share will fall severely and Mac will take over.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More in depth review of Fedora 10

More In Depth Fedora 10 Review!!!

Hey guys computerstuff101 here and I just thought that Fedora 10 deserved a more in depth review so here it is!!!

For info on how to install Fedora 10 check out my Video!!!

OK so Fedora 10 is a very good Linux operating system.

But I said before I don't think I could get used to KDE well I was wrong I could and I have!!!

Before when I had reviewed Fedora 10 I was running it in a crappy VM in Ubuntu 8.10.

Well now I am running it in the amazingly fast VMware Workstation 6.5!!!

And all I can say is that it is flat out awesome.

I really like the start menu in KDE its sweet.

And the interface is really nice like I said before it is really fast.

It is stable but it still isn't as stable as gnome.

I don't know about all of you but I don't like the built in Internet Browser.

That is the one bad thing about Fedora its built in Internet Browser.

I think they could have done better with the start up screen.

At least put some sort of logo or something!!!

OK so it comes with lots of apps and things of that matter.
But one thing that is annoying is that when you are logged on to root it annoyes you with all of these pop up messages.
It gets old.

Well I think I have said about all I can about Fedora 10 with KDE so talk to you soon!!!

(Note Fedora 10 is also availible in with Gnome).

Monday, February 16, 2009

Windows Vista Ultimate

Just finished installing Windows Vista Ultimate on my computer.
Now your probably wondering why I installed Vista if I don't like it very much.

Well the answer to that question is because I wanted to have more "options" and things like that.
And I wanted to be able to help all of you Vista Users out with your Vista needs.

Now what do I think about Vista Ultimate? Well its OK i guess.
But I still recommend Windows 7.
Just because its faster.

Now speed wise Vista Ultimate is pretty fast on my machine.
But results may vary on all of your pc's.
My specs are:

MOBO= MSI k9vgm-v


Video Card= NVIDIA GeForce 8600gt

RAM= 2gb ddr2

HDD= Western Digital 250GB

Now I just wanted to let you all know that.
So now you can ask even more questions about Vista so keep the questions rolling in!!!

Windows 7 Like Vista??? No Way!!!

I have been hearing a lot from Mac users out there that Windows 7 is gonna be just another Vista, and quite frankly thats a load of crap!

Granted it might look just a tad bit like Vista but it is no Vista.
It is a whole lot better and if you don't believe me well try it out.
But you will have to get it from one of those sites ;).
Seeing as how its not availible from Microsoft.

Now back to the load of crap.
Windows seven is a whole lot different then vista here are a few thing that are different.

  • The startup screen.

  • The taskbar.

  • The calculator. (Not a big deal).

  • The ribbons in MSpaint and Wordpad.
  • etc.

All right well I think I have made my point.

See you guys later!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How To Speed Up Vista

Hey guys here is a tutorial on how to speed up Windows Vista.
This is for all those sluggish Windows Vista Pc's out there, or just any pc.

Note I do not take any responsibility for what you do!!!

Ok so first of all there are many things that startup on your pc when you turn it on especially if you got your pc from the store (aka you did not build it).

So on vista's start menu type msconfig then enter.
Next click on the startup tab.
And disable all the thing you don't want to be started upon boot (Note this just turns the things off it does not delete them. Also do not turn off the things you need like anti-virus)

Ok Now you type msconfig in the menu again but this time go to the boot tab.
Once you are there choose the windows vista install and click advanced options.
If you have a dual core or more cpu check the number of processers box and choose the numbers of cpus you have.

And in the same windows check the maximum memory box and set it to the highest you have.

You can also go to the services tab and uncheck everything you do not need.

Now if you don't need that sidebar then you can disable it because it sucks a lot of recources
To do this in the task manager right click windows sidebar and uncheck start sidebar when windows starts.

Another thing you can do is right click the desktop and select personalize.
Now go to the last option called display settings and set the resolution to the highest.
You can also go to advanced options and go to the monitor tab and set the refresh rate to the highest your monitor can support.

You can also increase your virtual memory by going to the start menu and right click "computer" and go to properties and go to advanced system settings.
Now under performance click settings now click the advanced tab and increase to the amount you want.

How To Install XP Via Usb Stick

Hey guys this a little guide on how to install Xp via a usb flash drive.

Why would you do this?
Well first of all it will be a heck of a lot faster to install.
Maybe you don't have a cdrom drive.
Or maybe you just want to!!!

NOTE that I do not take any responsibility for what you do!!!

  • What you will need:
  • Xp install Cd(any xp install cd).
Now once you have those downloaded to your PC you need to extract them all.

And then you need to navigate to the PEtoUSB folder and copy the Petousb executable to the USBprep8 folder.
Now double click the file named usb_prep8.cmd in the usbprep8 folder.

Now a window will pop up (all you have to do is press enter).
Now another window will pop up it is already configured so don't do anything just press start.
When the format is compete do not and I said DO NOT close the window just leave everything as it is.

Next open up a command prompt and go to the folder you saved bootsect.exe (use the cd command to navigate to it).
Now you can type bootsect.exe /nt52 G: (Note that my flash drive is G so change this to whatever yours is) (And you can not have any windows showing the contents of your usb stick!!!).

If you did everything right then it will say bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes.
Now you can close this command prompt and ONLY THIS COMMAND PROMPT DO NOT CLOSE THE USBPREP8 window.

You should now see a window with a few different options and if you don't try pressing enter, now press 1 and then enter. A window should popup just choose the location of your XP install cd.

Press 2 and then enter and choose a letter that is not already in use by your computer.
Press 3 and then enter and put in the letter of your flash drive.
Now press 4 to start the script.
Now it will ask you if you want to format drive T: (or whatever letter you assigned that is not in use by your pc) (also note that this is a temporary drive so don't be scared) so just press Y and then enter.

Once thats done press enter to continue.
You can now see the program copying files to the temporary drive.
Once its done just press enter.

Now you will see a pop up asking you to copy the files to flash drive click yes.
Once the script has completed copying the files a popup window asking if you would like the USB drive to be preferred boot drive U: select YES.

Next select yes to unmount the virtual drive.
Now close the usbprep8 window.

Now set your pc to boot from usb (your bios might recognize your usb drive as a hard drive if so set the hard disk boot priority to the flash drive first).

When you get it to boot select option 2.

Now just install like you would normally just DO NOT REMOVE THE FLASH DRIVE DURING THE PROCESS.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel.

Friday, February 13, 2009

VMware Workstation 6.5

Hey I just finished installing Ubuntu 8.10 on VMware Workstation 6.5.

Now your probably wondering why I installed it on a virtual machine if I already have it on my "real" machine, well its because I removed it, that simple I just removed it, I needed the hard drive space.

Now back to VMware, It is very fast!!!
Its not like the one I was using in Ubuntu 8.10 (which is extremely slow) (Not Ubuntu but the Virtual pc), that is the one that I used to review Fedora 10.

It is very straight forward & easy to use.
I like the interface.
It is just nice!!!

I really recommend this program to anyone who is new to linux or wants to try it out, or if you want to try out Windows 7 (which is a very good OS I have been using it since its official public beta release).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fedora 10

Hey guys just finished installing Fedora 10 on my virtual machine in Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex and Overall I really like it. Its fast (although it lags a little because of the virtual machine I am using), but other than that it is fun and seems stable as is most, if not all of the Linux distro's are.

The look of KDE is nice, but I haven't really been paying attention to KDE at all, except for when I used a live CD of Knoppix (which is horrible!!!), so I don't know if its been updated or what but it looks nice and sleek.

The default background is awesome, and I really like the start menu.
I still like gnome a bit better but KDE looks really cool, it also comes preloaded with a lot of cool and useful applications.

This Linux distro is pretty cool but I think i'll stick to Ubuntu I just don't think I can get used to KDE seeing as how Gnome is similar to the Windows layout and Ui.
But I do recommend this Os to anyone not just advanced users!!!
(Note that Fedora is also available in the Gnome desktop environment)

As always this has been Computerstuff101coming at you with all your hardware, software, and operating system needs!!!

Don't forget to check out my youtube channel!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Linux for nerds? What???

Ok so I have been hearing a whole lot of crap about how linux is for "nerds" what kind of crap is that? maybe back in the 90's when you had to defrag the kernel or stufflike that but now? really linux is one of the most easy and useful Os's out there!!!

So I just wanted to say if you are scared to install Linux don't be because it is very easy to use and EXTREMELY easy to install!

Just thought I would get that out there!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ubuntu 8.10 Review

Hey guys just finished an install of Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid ibex, and overall it is the best linux distro so far.

Or at least in my eyes, I have tried various different linux distros, such as fedora, suse, yellow dog, xubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu, etc, and I have to say this one is the best so far.

Now feature wise it is filled with features, and for all you linux noobs out there if your wondering about compatibility and if your hardware will work then I have to tell you ITS LINUX ITS COMPATIBLE WITH ALMOST ANYTHING!!!
The bare minimum system requirements are:
  • 300 MHz x86 processor
  • 64 MB of system memory (RAM)
  • At least 4 GB of disk space (for full installation and swap space)
  • VGA graphics card capable of 640x480 resolution
  • CD-ROM drive or network card
Note if you use the bare minimum system requirements it won't be as fast and you won't be able to use all of the features.

Here are the Recommended system requirements.
  • 700 MHz x86 processor
  • 384 MB of system memory (RAM)
  • 8 GB of disk space
  • Graphics card capable of 1024x768 resolution
  • Sound card

  • A network or Internet connection

The higher your specs the better!

Ok now lets talk about the feel of the desktop.
I really do not like the default theme for Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid ibex, its just not for me, so I changed it by right clicking the desktop and going to "change desktop background.
It is called Dark room.
I personally like this theme better than the origanal as previously stated.

Ok so the interface used in Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex is called "Gnome" it is my personal favorite I really don't like kde but I haven't used it in awhile and from what i've heard it has definitely changed so I think i'll try it out.

The overall feel of the desktop is awesome it really doesn't have any flaws at all.
And it also looks awesome especially the default theme.

I love linux personally although I have primarily been using Windows, I have previously used Xubuntu linux as my primary on my laptop.
All around Ubuntu and linux is a strong operating system and its only getting better, with more and more programs becoming compatible with linux especially Ubuntu eventually it very well might be the "Best" operating system out there.
And I stand by that opinion, because linux is stable and its more "standard" user friendly then ever, and its also for the more "advanced" user.

And as always this has been Computerstuff101 helping you with Windows Xp,
98, Windows 7, Windows Vista, MAC OS X, Linux, and just about any other operating system so come here for all of your computer needs and even for hardware info!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Mac or Windows??? How about both!!!

Have you been wondering if you should get a Mac or a PC?

Well now you can have both!!!

Using ideneb, which is mac its just been modded to work on PC hardware.
If you think that it will be slow or its not a "real" version of Mac boy oh boy are you wrong!
It is very fast and it is the "actual" "real" version of Mac, but like I said earlier its been "modded" to work on a normal pc, as long as your cpu supports sse sse2 and sse3, if you are unsure if your cpu supports them than you can use cpu-z which you can get at this site:
just run the .exe file you won't have to install anything.

Ok so now you want to know how to do it don't you!!!
Well you can do that by following my guide here:

Or you can read my other guide on my blog.

As always this has been Computerstuff101, and some thanks go out to Layne and the iHackintosh Team.

See you later!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mac on a PC!!!

Ideneb v1.3 10.5.6 Review
Hey guys just finished installing Ideneb v1.3 10.5.6 on my custom built PC!
Now before we get started this is my experience using my custom built PC here are the specs:
Motherboard= MSI k9vgm-v
CPU= AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
Video card= NVIDIA 8600GT
RAM= 2GB ddr2

Note: I do not encourage the use of Pirated software!
OK so now that that is out of the way here is my experience with the software.
I really didn't really ever get to use a Mac as a "main" computer so I didn't really pay any attention to the OS other than how its like an all out war out there!
But I really like it, its easy to use and it is pretty fast.

I've had it for about four days now and I've used a lot of the features and they are very user friendly by the way.
But as for overall performance it is pretty fast a lot of people said it won't be as fast as a
"Real Mac" but there isn't much of a difference at all.

But like I said it is VERY user friendly and it is highly recommended by me!!!
OK time to compare to Windows Vista, Windows 7, and XP.
OK so I have all of those operating systems plus windows 98 and Ubuntu so I have a lot of experience with operating systems.

Alright so Vista Vista Vista... what a failure!
I don't even think I should be comparing Mac OS X against Vista its embarrassing to Vista!
It could be better as said by many people, but vista just takes so long to start up and it really is a cpu hog i'm sorry Microsoft but it was a BIG failure!
The least you could have done was still have computers that run Windows Xp.
For the "Basic" PC user it is fine but for a c++ programmer in training like myself it just DOES NOT CUT IT!!!
It is to slow for the things I do WITH A BIG PERIOD!!!.
Mac is far better so I recommend either "Upgrading to Xp" or dual boot with ideneb.
And for all of you who don't know what ideneb is its MAC!!! It has just been Moded to work on hardware other than Apple's.

Now Windows 7.
Ok so to let you all know Windows seven is still in BETA and it is still better than vista and as of today January 30, 2009, I am using Beta build 7000.

Windows 7 is the "Vista should have been" it is far faster and a lot more stress free than vista.
And against Mac OS X its just your opinion that matters because I love 7 and I love OS X but right now I am using 7 so I use Mac for things like Vids, itunes, etc, etc, etc.
So its a matter of personal preference thats why I triple boot.

Now against Xp if your sick of the same old green and blue that get a new theme OR you can get ideneb!!!
And dual boot or triple boot soon to be quad boot in my case.
So speed wise they are about the same.
And ease of use depends on your experience with Macs!
Example I was reading an article about this program for Mac and it said go to such and such thingy mabob and I was like where the heck is that?
And it was in the top left menu button thingy (Not sure what its called).
So yeah in my case ease of use is XP>MAC.

But my overall opinion is if you want to try it out go ahead do it!!!

(Do not ask for links to the downloads as if I gave you them it would be illegal)
But you can get them from your favorite Torrent site.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thoughts on Windows 7

Windows 7 Review
By: computerstuff101

Thoughts before install
My initial thoughts before installing windows 7 were, wow look its an updated version of Windows vista or at least from the looks of it. And to tell you the truth I really HATED Vista I didn't like the UI it just didn't feel right at all, and who in the right mind would release an operating system before it was even ready (well it wasn't ready to me).
I mean god and especially with as many compatibility problems it had it just flat out SUCKED I really didn't like it at all.
But enough of that back to w7 I was like look its vista Sp2 hahaha.
But from what it looked like the task bar was flawless and remember folks it's still in beta form and the build I am testing is build 7000.
Now from the Pictures and images I have seen it looks pretty decent and from the videos I have seen it looks like it runs at a decent speed and all that but I have to go install it now so I'll give you my report then.

Thoughts After Install
My first thought after installing was DANG this thing is FAST!!!!
It surprised me to because I think its running the same kernel as Vista.
I was just AMAZED at how fast it was it just didn't seem possible to me and I'm sure your saying yeah but what are the specs on your PC well here they are.
CPU= Amd Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+ 2.20GHz
Video Card=Nvidia Geforce 8600 GT
And its a desktop.
It's just soooo fast and the quality on the background I used is just jaw dropping.
So my thoughts on windows 7 is 10 thumbs up!!!
If you didn't like vista I think you'll like this I mean I do think it's on the same kernel as vista but its just sooooooooo much faster its unbelievable.
I am dual booting it with Windows XP Pro and I am going to tell you the truth I have a Ubuntu 8.10 live cd and I used Gparted to partition my drive and I screwed up on something and I think what I screwed up on was that I forgot to defragment my hard drive and so when I tryed to boot xp it had the dreaded ntldr missing problem but it was very easy to fix so I recomend you try the Windows 7 beta out.
Just remember to watch some vids read some install instructions and your good to go, and if you don't feel comfortable doing it you can install it on a virtual machine just like you can do with Mac OS X.
So just go ahead and do it!!!
Definitely try this one out this is Microsofts best OS since 2000 & XP.
You can get it at this link:
Ten thumbs up for this one (if I had ten thumbs).
But remember defrag your hard drive.